
There’s Anton and Konstantin in the center, of course. The two wives, Olga Knipper Chekhovna and Lilina Alexeyeva flank the two men though neither woman is standing next to their man. Far off to the right sits an aloof and impatient Meyerhold, who would play Treplev. On the other far side, leaning in, is Nemirovich-Danchenko, looking as if he would rather also be in the center of the photo.

There’s Anton and Konstantin in the center, of course. The two wives, Olga Knipper Chekhovna and Lilina Alexeyeva flank the two men though neither woman is standing next to their man. Far off to the right sits an aloof and impatient Meyerhold, who would play Treplev. On the other far side, leaning in, is Nemirovich-Danchenko, looking as if he would rather also be in the center of the photo.




Michael Chekhov at Dartington Hall and Ridgefield, CT